Ayurvedic Medicine & Classical Yoga Therapy Yoga and Ayurveda: |
First time appointments with Dr. Buhrman (1 1/2 hours) can be:
1) By telephone (patient must be at a location where he/she can can look in a well-lit mirror using a flashlight and answer questions for tongue diagnosis for digestive health assessment).
2) In person in Boulder, CO: at Dr. Buhrman's office located in Ste 206 (Core Wisdom) on the second floor of the Crossroads Gardens office building 1800 30th St., Tuesday afternoons and early evenings.
3) In person in beautiful Allenspark, CO: at the Old Gallery, M, Th, Fri afternoons, during summer months only.
4) In person at Dao House, a beautiful retreat and healing center near Estes Park, CO, on Sunday afternoons only.
For questions or to book an appointment, please leave a voice message on the Ayurvedic Medicine and Classical Yoga Therapy professional voicemail number (do not text): 303 443 6923.